モトクロス YAMAHA CUSTOM CASUAL フォトT ポリT - www.delepesoasuspesos.com,YAMAHA TTR 50 EDGE - Graphcover - French manufacturer of high quality standard and custom graphic kits,YAMAHA TRX850 Custom Bike by RIDEZ,🏁 1981 Yamaha IT175 VMX Racer Custom🏁 空冷、モノサス、FRドラムブレーキとビンテージモトクロス界隈では最終年頃(一番進化した)になります 同年式のYZは水冷です 足長でHL500のよう #hellonwheelsmc #hellonwheelstakesjapan #VMX #scrambler #1981 #空飛ぶ ,Retro Mod: 2006 Yamaha SR400 by @usuk_garage94 x @mazenta.c__garage94 of Korea's #Garage94, founders of Camel Race (#카멜레이스), oozing that 70s vinduro charm! Owner: @aviatorclubpilots. Full story today on BikeBound.com! ⚡️Link in Bio⚡️