A Theoretical Investigation on the Physical Properties of Zirconium Trichalcogenides, ZrS3, ZrSe3 and ZrTe3 Monolayers
A Theoretical Investigation on the Physical Properties of Zirconium Trichalcogenides, ZrS3, ZrSe3 and ZrTe3 Monolayers,A Theoretical Investigation on the Physical Properties of Zirconium Trichalcogenides, ZrS3, ZrSe3 and ZrTe3 Monolayers,Screening and identification of multiple abiotic stress responsive candidate genes based on hybrid-sequencing in Vicia sativa - ScienceDirect,B5N3 and B7N5 Monolayers with High Carrier Mobility and Excellent Optical Performance | The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,Floral morphology and pollen placement strategies of bat-pollinated flowers: a comparative analysis within a guild of chiropterophilous plants in a neotropical dry forest | Revista Chilena de Historia Natural | Full Text